[Tutor] Here is the whole script I'm having issues with.

S A buc40@bemail.org
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 18:26:28 -0700

Hi Everyone-

As promised, I would send the whole script I'm having trouble with to see if someone else can figure out what is going wrong here:

import re
import urllib, urllister
import sys
import os
import StringIO
import htmllib
import formatter
import string

class Html:
     def __init__(self, address):
     self.address = address
     def connect(self):
     sock = urllib.urlopen("http://" + address)
     #parse main doc
     def parser(self):
     parser = urllister.URLLister()
     #search main doc for story links
     def linkSearch(self):
     source = self.parser.urls
     link = r'''\/story\/0,\d+,6\d+,\d+,00\.html'''
     sch = re.findall(link, string.join(source))
     sch = string.join(sch)
     return sch
     #compare story links to "news.fox"
     def compare(self):
     t = time.strftime("%j_%H%M%S_%Y", time.localtime())
     folder_contents = os.listdir("/Users/montana/News/Fox/")
     l = len(folder_contents)
     for i in folder_contents:
     if i[-3:] == "fox":
     newsin = open("/Users/montana/News/Fox/"+i, "rb")
     newsfile = newsin.read()
     if self.sch != newsin: print "News is being updated ..."
     print "Nothing to update. Bye."
     newsout = open("/Users/montana/News/Fox/news"+t+".fox", "wb")

     #from story links, download story files
     def stories(self):
     sch = string.split(self.sch)
     l = len(sch)
     for i in range(l):
     lsock = urllib.open(self.address + sch[i], "rb")
     links = lsock.read()
     return links
     output = open(sch[i].html, "wb")
class TextExtractor:
     def __init__(self, html, t):
     self.html = html
     self.t = t
     #search and crop text from html
#     def crop(self, start="<!--Storytext-->", end="<!--/Storytext-->"):
#     story = '(?sx)%s.+%s' % (start, end)
     def crop(self):
     story = "(?sx)%s.+%s" % ("<!--Storytext-->", "<!--/Storytext-->")
        newhtml = re.findall(story, self.html)
    #format text from html
      def text(self):
     data = StringIO.StringIO()
        fmt = formatter.AbstractFormatter(formatter.DumbWriter(data))
        parser = htmllib.HTMLParser(fmt)
        text = data.getvalue()
    #save fromatted text to final file
     def finalSave(self):
     final = open(self.address + self.t + ".news", "ab")

Any weird indenting is due solely to this email program. I went through the script already to check indentation. Ok.

When importing this module in idle I get the following error:

Python 2.2.1 (#1, 07/27/02, 23:05:03) 
[GCC Apple devkit-based CPP 6.02] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import update
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "update.py", line 63, in ?
    class TextExtractor:
  File "update.py", line 72, in TextExtractor
    newhtml = re.findall(story, self.html)
NameError: name 'story' is not defined

I can't figure out why it is saying that story is not defined when it is clearly defined in the script. Any ideas?

Sorry if this is long.


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