[Tutor] Why lambda could be considered evil
Scot W. Stevenson
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 20:12:18 +0200
Hello Alan,
> However understanding lambda expressions is one of
> those "change your life" type discoveries in programming.
Hmpf. Maybe my life isn't ready to be changed quite just yet =8).
> The class statement is part of OO and not a rip off
> from C++, similarly lambda is part of functional
> programming.
You could also add that list comprehensions come from something called
Haskell, and generators from Icon, and I would agree. However, I see a
major difference between classes, generators, and list comprehensions on
the one hand and lambda, print >> file, and print "Funny %s characters" %
variable on the other: The syntax of classes, generators and list
comprehensions was changed to Python's way of doing things, while lambda
and the two prints retain their "native" we-use-special-characters syntax.
While discussing list comprehensions and their Haskell source in recipe
2.11 in the "Python Cookbook", Nathaniel Gray points out that Python tends
to use keywords where other languages use punctuation, so that Haskell
list comprehension terms such as
[y | y <- xs, y < x]
are turned into something like this in Python:
[y for y in xs if y < x]
(note that I couldn't even order a beer in Haskell, so this might not be
the exact equivalent). Same thing goes for the class statement, which was
adapted to Python: The very syntax has been turned Pythonic, and uses
keywords instead of strange arrow thingies or double colons or whatever
the other languages use.
But the other three examples weren't absorbed into the language, they were
just copied from C or Lisp, and they kept their native "punctuation"
syntax. I'm not sure I understand why (except for the mighty C and Lisp
lobbyists, which are probably linked to the Illuminati and Knights
Templar), because
print >> file, 'Print me' could have been
print to file, 'Print me' or even better
print 'Print me' to file
print "Hello Mr. %s" % name could have been
print "Hello Mr. %s" using name or
print "Hello Mr. %s" with name
Which looks a lot more Pythonic to me. I've read the PEPs and BDFL
pronouncements and I'm still not convinced. Given the number of English
words in the OED, I'm _certainly_ not convinced that "keyword inflation"
is going to be a problem anytime soon. And using keywords is just so much
more consistant with the rest of the language, and better for human
> Of course it would help if lambdas were fully implemented
> to allow multi line 'arbitrary' blocks of code rather
> than just single line expressions....
I'm having some trouble visualizing that - could you give an example (in
pseudocode or whatever) of what that would look like?
> > 3. The name is just plain stupid. ....
> > be intuitive if you've spent the last 20 years programming Lisp,
> Or studying lambda calculus!
Well, I'm not sure if the majority of Python users have actually done that,
either =8)...I dimly remember having had calculus in school at some point,
but I'd be hard pressed to come up with any details...
I think this discussion can be reduced to one question: Is Python, or
rather, Python's syntax, geared more towards computer science people with
a strong background in various computer languages and math, or is it aimed
more at what I would call the educated computer user who has some
background, but nothing formal?
I would argue that so far, it is mostly geared from the educated public,
not specialists. My Exhibit One would be the new form of division, which
is going to drive computer science people up the wall, but "real" people
will just love because it is "real" division. If that is in fact so, then
lambda and the two print forms mentioned above don't quite fit in.
Y, Scot
Scot W. Stevenson wrote me on Tuesday, 27. Aug 2002 in Zepernick, Germany
on his happy little Linux system that has been up for 1694 hours
and has a CPU that is falling asleep at a system load of 0.01.