[Tutor] Stupid mistake in RPN calculator

Scot W. Stevenson scot@possum.in-berlin.de
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 08:03:59 +0200

Hi -

There is a typo in the division method of the RPN calculator I posted 

>     def do_divide(self, dummy=None):
>         try:
>             result = self.stack[2] / self.stack[0]

The last line must be: 

              result = self.stack[1] / self.stack[0]


Y, Scot

Scot W. Stevenson wrote me on Wednesday, 28. Aug 2002 in Zepernick, Germany  
       on his happy little Linux system that has been up for 1709 hours       
        and has a CPU that is falling asleep at a system load of 0.12.