[Tutor] yet another book review request

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 14:33:51 +0200

At 19:22 2002-08-28 -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
>On Wednesday 28 August 2002 19:24, Erik Price wrote:
> > I'm curious what people think of Programming Python 2nd Edition
> > (updated for Python 2).  I was in the store tonight, looking at the
> > Python Cookbook, but this one also seems like a great "next step"
> > Python book.
> >
>I own one of the first prints of Programming Python (came out around the=
>of 1.5).

1.3 actually... (Check the back.) So make sure to get the 2nd ed.
I've only browsed through the 2nd ed, but I didn't like the first
ed very much. 2nd ed seemed better though...

>  It has long been my favorite book for learning Python.  I love how
>the book progresses from small ideas to larger programs and it reuses the
>same examples again and again.  I doubt the 2nd edition has changed so much
>as to invalidate this.

This is not a bad idea, I agree with that, and from what I saw
this is true for 2nd ed too.

There are a lot of good Python books now.

Among books for those beyond the first stage of learning, Programming
Python is certainly one. Others are "Python Programming for Win 32" (if
that's your platform) or Python Web Programming which covers all sorts
of internet programming (not only for the web) and databases etc. If
you want more of a reference guide for the core language, Python
Essential Reference (2nd ed) is the book to choose. The Win 32 book is
written for 1.5.2, but the others are more recent.

Magnus Lyck=E5, Thinkware AB
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tel: 070-582 80 65, fax: 070-612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus@thinkware.se