[Tutor] blogs cue the singing vikings: BLOG, BLOG BLOG BLOG, BLOG, BLOG BLOG BLOG...

Kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Sun Dec 8 04:16:01 2002

Blogs, that is.

Seems to be almost as popular as athlete's foot; no one really raves about 
them, every one gets it sooner or later, You just cannot avoid them, they're
EVERYWHERE; they are the web's BORG it would seem.

OK, I decided to write one as a giggle.

Still dithering on how to handle the display of a posting, at the moment it is 
accomplished 2 ways.

MAYBE I will simply dump the luser back onto the form page in some sort of a 
redirect- it's a  plain vanilla form, using a little ssi tag include to bring 
the blog file into the otherwise static web page. Displays nice, no stray bits 
flopping all over needing cleaning up. Try posting to it.

Creating the page on the fly in the script to instantly display your posting
along with the existing blog is complex and for the moment somewhat DAIM 
BRAMAGED (or is that ue to it being 4 am?), and needs more work- and why 
should I bother, if I can trick the browser and server into doing it for me?

But I am going to bed. play with it, think about it for several seconds, and 
write a letter to the tutor list. When I think it is actually worth exposing 
to the world, I will stick in  in useless python or the vaults of 
Parnissyiusumous#%&#%&%howerver ya spell it....

Good night all.


              Kirk D Bailey

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