[Tutor] Checking the registry (was: (no subject))
Thu Dec 12 11:00:02 2002
I've rtfm'ed and I can't seem to locate winall. Could you direct me to
docs on that? I'm not sure how to check the registry for currently
installed versions of Python.
---------Included Message----------
>Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 18:26:46 -0000
>From: <alan.gauld@bt.com>
>To: <shendric@arches.uga.edu>, <tutor@python.org>
>Subject: RE: [Tutor] (no subject)
>> Is there a good place to find a basic installer for this type
>> of use, at least as a starting point?
>There are a few freeware ones but I haven't used them.
>(ASPack or somesuch comes to mind???)
>Both Wise (as used by the Python insyaller) and Installshield
>can do it easily but are both commercial. Wise seems to be opensource
>friendly aso they mught have a free version for use on opensource
>projects mebbe. The other thing is to write one yourself which
>for a one-off project isn't too hard, lots of os.system() calls
>and a few windows registry calls using winall...
>Alan g.
>Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org
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