[Tutor] Re: Sorting Instance Attributes
Alan Colburn
Thu Dec 12 18:11:02 2002
My thanks to you all for responding to my post
yesterday. I really appreciate you taking the time to
do so.
I have to admit that your solutions are a bit beyond
my abilities right now. Maybe if I ask a question or
two at a time I'll understand.
Let's start with the cmp function/method. I understand
that the function returns -1 if the first item is less
than the second, 0 if they're equal, and 1 if the
first item is greater than the second. The part I
don't know about relates to using the function/method
with a list of items; I only understand using it to
compare two items.
So, if it's not too much trouble, let's start there...
Thanks! -- Al
p.s. I have no idea whether this is something for the
whole list or just for me; if you think it's not
something the whole list would be interested, perhaps
you would still respond to me directly.
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