[Tutor] Editors/form builders for GUI and productivity
Magnus Lycka
Fri Dec 13 16:46:06 2002
At 08:00 2002-12-13 -0800, MIG wrote:
>However, nowadys I feel I'm in a plateau with no advances in
>productivity, so I'm interested to hear (or read) about gui form
>buiders, python editors and others tools that may help.
In my opinion, GUI builders and other tools are of more
help at an initial level, and are something that you step
away from more and more as you develop.
How strong are your skills in Object-Oriented Programming
(and thinking)? How much are you able to resuse code?
Obviously, the amount of reuse will depend how similar
the applications you develop are, but I feel that in different
areas I tend to create code that I can reuse.
If you see that you repeatedly do the same thing over again,
there is room for some kind of reuse. You might want to make
a function that holds code that you tend to repeat, and import
and use that function, or if it's things that are similar but
varies a bit, you will make a class that you derive to specialize.
Maybe building menues should be as simple as writing something
like this:
self.menu = bulidmenu(
'File' , ( ('New', self.file_new),
('Open', self.file_open),
('Quit', self.OnClose) ),
'Edit', ...
Perhaps you often have a buttonbar and can find a similar kind of
shortcut like that.
By placing things like that in a library that you repeatedly use,
I think you can avdvance your productivity another step.
Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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