[Tutor] Better (free) IDEs than IDLE for Linux ?

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Sun Dec 15 08:09:01 2002

At 04:00 2002-12-15 -0800, Aztech Guy wrote:
>Which other (free) IDE's / enhanced Py interpreters do you like better the 
>standard Python interpreter and IDLE - for Linux ? I am using PythonWin on 
>Windows, is good enough for me at present. I just downloaded IPython for 
>Linux and will be trying it out soon, will post my impressions. But 
>wondered about experience of others. I do know about some of the available 
>ones, from the one or two reviews that are there on the Python and other 
>sites. But would like to hear opionions of people who have already tried 
>out some, before downloading any of them. Both non-GUI enhanced 
>interpreters - of which I think IPython is one - and proper GUI IDE's are 
>of interest.

I've tested IPython (0.2.14pre46) on Win32 recently, and it
doesn't seem to work as well there as I think it does in
Linux. Color doesn't work, neither does autocompletion etc.

A minimalistic IDE, more intended to non-programmers who want
to use python as an advanced calculator is Jean-Michel Fauth's

I recently tried Boa Constructor, and if you use wxPython for
GUI building, I think this is something to look closer at. I've
mainly tried the debugging features, and they are impressive.
I've never seen anything work well for debugging wxPython GUI
code in a GUI before. It's not as good as PythonWin for pure
editing in my opinion, and I haven't tried the GUI building
features, but I think this will be a serious contender to the
commercial products such as Wing and wxDesigner in time...

I think Boa works as well with Linux as with Windows.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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