[Tutor] capture :LPT
Magnus Lycka
Thu Dec 19 06:26:01 2002
At 08:24 2002-12-19 +0100, janos.juhasz@VELUX.com wrote:
>I have an ERP like program, that can't use the WINDOWS printing correctly,
>but printing nicely to DOS printers.
I'm not sure whether you mean that the output can't reach the printer,
or if it gets ugly. Either way, I don't think Python is the right tool
for this. A DOS printer device isn't a file...
If you do manage to get your text into Python, are you able to print
them from your python program in a simple way, or are you just getting
into deeper trouble? ;) DOS/Windows is a flawed platform. Many things
that are trivial in for instance Unix are much more complicated there.
Maybe this will help?
Otherwise, look at some of these pages
http://members.cox.net/dos/print01.htm (LPT2DSK or PRN2FILE -- then you
can use Python if you wish.)
Good Luck!
As always, you can find a lot of information with Google.
Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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