[Tutor] NEWBIE QUEASTION ALERT - how to restart program?
Magnus Lycka
Fri Dec 20 20:33:02 2002
Hi Ole,
At 01:10 2002-12-21 +0100, Ole Jensen wrote:
>Alright, as the subject says - Im not the most educated man in python (or
>any other language), but I been going through some tutorials.
We all have to crawl before we can walk. No worry.
>If you run this program independently the window will close automaticly
>after it has been run, now instead of just closing the window how would it
>be possiple to re-run the program, e.g. in the first many you have a
>choice of: 1 or 2. if the user presses any other key, the program will
>print "grow up man... 1 or 2!!!" and shut down/close the window (given
>after waiting 5 seconds), now instead I would like the program to ask the
>question again... how is that done...?
>given it maight not be crutial, but I really would like to know how its
>done. and finally I should say I have no understanding of how the loops
>work (I've gone through tutorials about the FOR-loops and WHILE-loops but
>they make no sense to me) so if loops are esantial to what i want to
>achive I was wondering if any of you reading this could guide me to some
>very basic walk-through's of loops
In this case, loops are exactly what you want. I hope I can
walk you through this.
A while-loop, which is what you would use here, is very similar to
an if statement. You understand the if-statement, right? Run the
intented code after the if-statement if the expression evaluates
to a value we consider as true. (I.e. not 0, or something empty.)
A while loop runs the indented block repeatedly as long as the
expression is true. Like this:
# menu
shape = 0
while shape is not in [1, 2]:
print "Select a shape"
print "1: Quadrangle"
print "2: Circle"
shape = input(">>>")
if shape...
Let's walk through this:
shape = 0 # This is just to make sure that the next line does what we want.
while shape is not in [1, 2]: # shape is 0, neither 1 or 2, so the
condition is true, run the indeted block
print bla bla bla...
shape = input(">>>") # Let's imagine I enter '5'
# The next line is not indented, so we have reached the en of the while-block
# So far, this is exactly as an if-statement, right? But hang on, now it
gets different.
# After the end of the block, we return to the while-line again!
while shape is not in [1, 2]: # shape is 5, so the condition is true, run
the indeted block
print bla bla bla...
shape = input(">>>") # Let's imagine I enter '1'
while shape is not in [1, 2]: # shape is 1, so the condition is true, end
the loop
if shape... # whatever...
Obviously, it's importent that something happens in the while block that might
change the while-condition, or we will be stuck in the loop for ever. (Not
true, but let's leave break for later.)
>print ""
To print an empty line, just type
An empty string doesn't make any difference.
> else:
Really, I don't think this kind of language is appropriate here,
and if you send things like that to a mailing list, you are likely
to get auto-responses from mail-filtering software here and there.
That happened to me when I included a somewhat colourful Monty Python
quote in an email to this very establishment...
> sleep(5)
Instead of sleep, I'd use
raw_input('Press ENTER to continue')
raw_input() is like input, but it doesn't evaluate what you type,
it always return a string. Normally you'd use "x = raw_input(..."
but in this particular case, we don't care what it returns, we just
want it to prevent the program from rushing ahead...
>elif shape == 2:
> print "circle"
> R = input("What is the radius?")
> print ""
> print "The area of the circle is:",R**2*3.14
import math
is more exact... (If you want an approximation, use 355./113.)
To return to your original question:
To be able to repeat the whole process, not just the little piece
I did above, you put the whole block inside a big while loop.
But if a loop spans too many lines, let's say more lines than fits
in your screen, it get's more difficult to follow what's happening.
In those cases, it's probably a good idea to split up the program
into several separate functions, instead of one big sequence like
you did. But let's take one step at a time.
Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/ mailto:magnus@thinkware.se