[Tutor] submitting batch jobs with python
Bob Gailer
Mon Dec 23 15:58:00 2002
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At 01:22 PM 12/23/2002 -0600, Isaac Hall wrote:
>I am working on a program to submit several batch jobs with python.
>when one submits a batch job from a shell here, the system returns several
>lines of output telling you many things you need to know (like where the
>ouput will be written, etc....) I would like my program to capture this
>information, but I am a little unclear as to how to do this. It looks
>like the call os.popen('command').read() is the way to go, but I do not
>know what format this will put several lines into.
will return a string with lines separated by '\n'
will return a list of lines
>how will this handle submitting say 200 jobs at once. will each popen
>call only
>capture the lines intended for that job?
Each popen call will run one batch job and return that job's output.
Bob Gailer
303 442 2625
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