[Tutor] Show commands

Adam Vardy Adam Vardy <anvardy@roadrunner.nf.net>
Sat Dec 28 20:30:02 2002

Saturday, December 28, 2002, 7:43:30 PM, you wrote:

>> On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, Adam Vardy wrote:

>> Although shuffle() itself is doing a bunch of stuff, the author decided
>> that the actions, taken as a whole, was "shuffling" the list of cards.

I think I'm Ok with shuffling.

>> A lot of programs work in this way, bundling up a bunch of compound
>> actions as a single name.  When we say deck.deal(), we're actually doing
>> quite a few things:

>> ###
>> ###  See Section 16.3 of thinkCSpy
>> ###
>> def deal(self, hands, nCards=999):
>>     nHands = len(hands)
>>     for i in range(nCards):
>>       if self.isEmpty(): break    # break if out of cards
>>       card = self.popCard()       # take the top card
>>       hand = hands[i % nHands]    # whose turn is next?

This line I'm not sure about.

I am not sure what is [hand] or what is happening to it.

And there are some lines output, some indented, some are not. I don't
know where these lines come from.
Hand frank contains 2 of spades...

>> Does this make sense at the moment?  What parts seem strange or uncertain?

Those are the main things.

Adam Vardy