[Tutor] newbie request for help in setting up emacs for pytho n

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue Dec 31 06:23:04 2002

> If you're trying to learn Emacs, you may find the embedded 
> tutorial useful
> --- try typing "C-h t"  (Control h, followed by a 't'), which 
> should bring it up.

I second that but add the caveat that the tutor is generic 
and quite old so it doesn't cover the use of menus, mouse or cursor 
keys. All of which should wotrk pretty much as expected! So 
you aren't forced to use C-n to move down a line etc you can 
just use the down arrow! (Of course C-n is faster if you 
touch type... and less painful if you swap the CTRL and 
CapsLock keys on a PC keyboard!)

Alan G.