[Tutor] Re: emacs & python help

Terry Carroll carroll@tjc.com
Tue Dec 31 21:28:02 2002

On 31 Dec 2002, ahimsa wrote:

> I'll give your script a going over and see what I can make of it - may I
> pick your brains if (see I'm being optimistic here!!) I get stuck?

Sure, but do so on the list.  I'm pretty new to emacs myself, so I'm no
expert, and it's a good bet that I might not be able to answer your
questions -- and some others have already shown how they know so much more
than I do about it, so you'll probably get better quality answers posting

Terry Carroll        |
Santa Clara, CA      |   "The parties are advised to chill."
carroll@tjc.com      |       - Mattel, Inc. v. MCA Records, Inc.,
Modell delendus est  |         no. 98-56577 (9th Cir. July 24, 2002)