[Tutor] gzip files

Felix.Toran@esa.int Felix.Toran@esa.int
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:41:31 +0100

Hi all again!

As you say, that files cannot be decompressed using standard modules. I have
finally solved the problem just as you say: a os.system( ) call to a UNIX-like
tool for windows.

The tool is called COMP430D, and can be downloaded from


|        |          Remco Gerlich   |
|        |          <scarblac@pino.s|
|        |          elwerd.nl>      |
|        |                          |
|        |          21/02/2002 19:20|
|        |                          |
  |                                                                            |
  |       To:     tutor@python.org                                             |
  |       cc:     (bcc: Felix Toran/cst/ESA)                                   |
  |       Subject:     Re: [Tutor] gzip files                                  |

On  0, Felix.Toran@esa.int wrote:
> I have been trying to decompress a Z file using the gzip module, but I have
> found several problems. Please, can someone help me with a short source code
> example?
> Thanks a lot in advance.

.Z files are compressed using compress, not gzip. I don't know how to
decompress them using Python, other than doing an os.system() call to

Remco Gerlich

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org