[Tutor] Security

Kirk Bailey highprimate@howlermonkey.net
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 22:3:25 -0500

OK, now comes an intresting task.

ACTUALLY Adding them to the list, or removing them.

At this point there are security issues. Is this REALLY sistermaryjoe@ourladyofendlessblessing.org signing up 
for the 'evil-humor' list? Or someone looking to annoy sister mary Joe?

We can send them a letter, and have it come back with a secret code. Something along these lines is a commonly 
used ploy.

We can just sign them up at this point; it's been done.

We already have unsubscribe information in the footer, so they can go to the site and unsub if they want to, 
but this means other people can annoy them with unwanted subs, and we really want to prevent this, would'nt 

We could do something else, but bless me if I know what that something else is!

So I guess that we will do a simple email process here, and a random number generation, and send that to them 
in the subject, and let them reply to it. the subject would be in the form of:

command listname randomnumber

If they give us a good random number, the file maintainer puts their email address in that list. Bad address, 
bad listname, or bad random number and it barks.

Comments or discussion?


In total confusion,
                   Kirk D Bailey

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