[Tutor] wxPython? (fwd)

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 19:06:15 -0000

> Let me forward this to the rest of Tutor.  I hate saying this, but I
> can't reproduce the wackiness.

Its standard integer division - the kind thats going away post V2.2

> def divide(x,y):
>     return x/y
> for y in range(-10,10,1):
>     x=2
>     try:
>         print divide(x,y), y

2/-10 all the way to 2/-3 gives a negative fraction 
which is rounded down to -1

2/-2 = -1

2/-1 = -2

2/0 = exception

2/1 = 2

2/2 = 1

2/3 to 2/10 gives a fraction which is rounded down to 0.

> -1 -10
> -1 -9
> -1 -8
> -1 -7
> -1 -6
> -1 -5
> -1 -4
> -1 -3
> -1 -2
> -2 -1
> You are trying to divide by zero
> 2 1
> 1 2
> 0 3
> 0 4
> 0 5
> 0 6
> 0 7
> 0 8
> 0 9


Alan G.