[Tutor] TL

Kirk D Bailey highprimate@howlermonkey.net
Wed, 2 Jan 23:39:19 2002 -0500

ok, TinyList is almost done. I got the module done that handles
accepting the command and sending out the confo letter, and placing
the 'magic cookie' in the pending file. ALl I have to do now is
reinvent the wheel and raise the dead and it will be finished. 

Aclually, all that is left is to build the script that receives
replys, rips out the from and suject fields, compares the subject to
the entire pending file, and if a match is made, delete that one from
the pending file and add them to the list's membvership- and let them
know we did just that. This also will handle deleting users.

Anyone who wants to look at the pages that are already done, just
click this for the first link:


All python, all the time. I *LOVE* this language!


In total confusion,
                   Kirk D Bailey

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