[Tutor] sliced!

Kirk D Bailey highprimate@howlermonkey.net
Sat, 5 Jan 01:17:03 2002 -0500

OK, I tripped over string.replace(subject, search, replacement) in
string module, and also string.split, so that part is finished, it
now digests the subject line nicely. 

Got another question. 

Def writependings(omitme, list):        # write back the pendings,
        f6.open('./lists/pending','w')  # OMITTING one item.
        for item in list:
                if item != omitme:
This code creates a error message;

ns# ./TLlistmaster.py < testfile
  File "./TLlistmaster.py", line 201
    Def writependings(omitme, list):    # write back the pendings,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Now, whofore would it do an evil thing like that?


In total confusion,
                   Kirk D Bailey

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