[Tutor] my time skeds

kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 23:59:04 -0500

I am home after 10:45pm EST, and away after 3pm EST, M-F, and in
general daytime until about 5:30 saterdays. Work evenigns, so do not
expect replys from me until late in evening. Sat evening and subdays
are generally chaos events, take your best shot and assume poor odds.



              -Kirk D Bailey

 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
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|_|_\___|__,_/__/\__|_|_||_\__, |\__|_||_\___|\___\___/|_|\_( )
                           |___/                            |/

              Kirk Bailey, consulting loose cannon

www.howlermonkey.net                 highprimate@howlermonkey.net
http://gipco.webjump.com                       idiot1@netzero.net 
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