[Tutor] How to update file?
Danny Yoo
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 20:52:52 -0800 (PST)
On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, A wrote:
> I need to update a local file from a web server if the file on this
> web server is newer then that on my local hard disk. Do you have any
> idea how it can be done?
I'm not sure if one can get a guaranteed 'last-modified' time of a web
page. I did a quick search, and found something:
The page suggests that we look at the file itself, and see if it has a
'last-modified' META header. But that's a somewhat sketchy way of doing
it... *grin*
Alternatively, we can try to look at the "last-modified" header that gets
sent to us by the web server. There's a description of this optional
header from the W3 folks:
We can use the 'httplib' module to grab at this header.
Here's a small program that'll get the last-modified header if the web
server supports it:
import httplib
import urlparse
def getLastModifiedDate(url):
url_pieces = urlparse.urlparse(url)
base, path = url_pieces[1], url_pieces[2] ## this can be
## improved...
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(base)
conn.request("GET", path)
response = conn.getresponse()
return response.getheader('last-modified')
We'd better test this, just to make sure it works! *grin*
>>> getLastModifiedDate("http://python.org")
'Fri, 11 Jan 2002 03:49:53 GMT
However, maybe a simpler approach might work: how about just checking if
your local file is different from what's on the web server?
Hope this helps!