[Tutor] How to ignore some decimal values?
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 10:47:53 -0500
On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 10:26:30PM -0800, Titu Kim wrote:
| Hi there,
| Do someone has any idea on keeping the floor value
| of a fixed decimal point n? For instance:
| a=12.3451
| b=0.5699
| c=0.0
| How can i make a,b, and c become float values as
| a=12.34
| b=0.56
| c=0.00
| if my n=2. If n=3
| a=12.345
| b=0.569
| c=0.000
| Thanks for any suggestion?
Ignoring the fact that binary floating point can't represent all
decimal numbers :
def truncate( f , n ) :
shift = 10**n
return int( f*shift ) / shift
'f' is the float you want to truncate,
'n' is an integer for the number of decimals you want to keep
What it does is shift the decimal over so that all the digits you want
are on the left side. Then convert to an int (drop all fractional
part), then shift the decimal point back where it belongs.
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-- bugtraq