[Tutor] Truckers Log....Me Again

glidedon glidedon <glidedon@c-zone.net>
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 21:46:53 +0000

>It sounds like you want to do something like the following pseudocode
>while 1:
>    read the input x
>    if x == yes:
>        do this
>    elif x == no:
>        do the other thing
>    else:
>        print some warning
>This is often called a "read-eval-print" loop:
>    1.  We read some input from the user.
>    2.  We evaluate or interpret that response.
>    3.  We print out some output.
>    4.  Repeat!
>and is often used with interactive programs that need to read input from a
>Hope this helps!

I must be thick headed! When I substitue elif for if, in the code below I get 
this error:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  File "./LogRecapv1.3.py", line 47
    elif : add_days  in ( 'n', 'N', 'no', 'NO' ):
The program works as is below but it exits after the last line. You can see 
what I was trying before your sugestion in the lines I commented out at the 

Thanks Danny !
# Logbook 8 day recap

# this program will calculate hours on duty last 7 days,
# hours avalible tomorrow(70 hours minus total last 7 days on duty) ,hours on 
duty last 8 days
# for a truck drivers log book

#create list for storing hours on duty record

history_list = [ ]

last_7_days = 0
print ' \n '  *2 , ' Welcome to Don\'s Recap Calculator ! ', ' \n ' 
print ' I hope this makes recaping your log easier. ' , ' \n '

# populate history_list with first 8 days of recap and convert to float

for i in range( 8 ):
    querry_string = " Enter total hours on duty on day%d   "  % ( i +1 )
    input = raw_input(querry_string)
    history_list.append( float( input ) )
# ask for additional days input

add_days = raw_input( 'Do you want to add more days to recap ?  y/n   : ' )

# create loop to check if the answer is y or n, or some variation of
# assign value of the last  7 entries in history_list to the variable 
# output current recap status
# continue loop for more input

while  add_days in ( 'y','Y', 'yes','YES', 'ok', 'OK', 'yeah', 'YEAH' ) : 
    next_day =raw_input( ' Enter hours on duty next day : ')
    history_list.append( float (next_day ) )
    print  ' \n', '='*20,'RECAP', '=' *33,' \n', '=' * 60 
    import operator
    last_7_days = reduce( operator.add,history_list[ -7: ] )
    print ' Total hours on duty last 7 days    : ',  last_7_days
    print ' Total hours available tomorrow     : ' , 70 - last_7_days
    print ' Total hours on duty last 8 days    : ' , last_7_days + 
history_list [ -8 ]
    print ' You have entered ' , len(history_list), ' Days ', ' \n' 
    print '  ' ,history_list, '\n' , '=' * 60, '\n'
    add_days = raw_input( 'Do you want to add more days to recap ?  y/n   : ' 

if add_days  in ( 'n', 'N', 'no', 'NO' ):
           print  ' \n', '='*20,'RECAP', '=' *33,' \n', '=' * 60 , ' \n '
           import operator
           last_7_days = reduce( operator.add,history_list[ -7: ] )
           print ' Total hours on duty last 7 days    : ',  last_7_days
           print ' Total hours available tomorrow     : ' , 70 - last_7_days
           print ' Total hours on duty last 8 days    : ' , last_7_days + 
history_list [ -8 ]
           print ' You have entered ' , len(history_list), ' Days ', ' \n' 
           print '  ' ,history_list
           print  ' \n', '='*20,'EXIT', '=' *34,' \n', '=' * 60 
           print ' \n ' *2, 'Thanks for using Don\'s Recap calculator ! ', ' 
\n '*2, 'Have a safe trip :-) ',' \n' *3

 #elif add_days != ( 'y','Y', 'yes','YES', 'ok', 'OK', 'yeah', 'YEAH' ) or( 
'n', 'N', 'no', 'NO' ):
           #print ' Nice try good buddy, enter a y/n , ten-four ? '
      print ' Nice try good buddy, enter a y/n , ten-four ? '

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