[Tutor] help on makin a prog

Andres Rosado arosado@softhome.net
Mon, 01 Jul 2002 20:37:46 -0400

At 12:00 PM 6/30/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Hey im really really new to this stuff and i would like some help so could
>any1 try teach me? i know a few things raw_input("Hello, world") and
>print"hello world so cud u teach me how to make a proper program?

There are several tutorials that can get you started. Python comes with one 
tutorial. I can't tell you if it will help you, since I wasn't know to 
programming when I started in Python.

Most of what you need to learn is to think in terms of the computer.

Andres Rosado
Email: andresr@despammed.com
ICQ: 66750646
Homepage: http://andres980.tripod.com/

If God wanted us to be brave, why did he give us legs?
                 -- Marvin Kitman