[Tutor] Re: Tkinter

dominic.fox dominic.fox" <dominic.fox@ntlworld.com
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 21:06:40 +0100

Thanks for suggestions. I think Jython / Swing may have something going for
it, although I'd anticipate a fairly hefty performance hit from doing it
that way (insert standard "Java performance isn't necessarily as bad as you
think" response here). Plotting points on a Tkinter canvas by creating lots
of very-small-line objects is just what I was hoping to avoid - it sounds
like a nightmare in just about every way. This isn't to disparage that
approach to doing graphics in general, which in other contexts would be
ideal - it's rather like manipulating Drawfiles on a RISC-OS machine (if
anyone remembers that) - but even Drawfiles let you plot sprites onto the
screen (and, if you knew what to do with a few system calls, manipulate
their contents too). It just seems weird to me, having used at least three
different platforms* on which it was fairly trivial to plot pixels into a
buffer somewhere then blit it onto the screen, that there isn't an obvious
and accessible out-of-the-box way to do it in Python.

I *think* wxPython may have what I want - will investigate and report


* that would be RISC-OS, VB and Java, btw. This isn't a brag: I sucked on
all of them apart from VB, which did a fair amount of sucking itself.

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