[Tutor] Re: Curious newbie

Marc marcolinux@linuxbr.com.br
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 10:52:54 -0300

Derrick 'dman' Hudson (dman@dman.ddts.net) wrote:

> Actually, just to be pedantic, the C compiler generates a file which
> still needs a runtime environment and "interpreter" to run.
>  The only difference is the C runtime (for that OS, namely
> 'libc.so' or 'msvcrt.dll') is bundled with the OS and so people tend
> not to see the simlarities. 

Great Dman! 
You just turn on a light the size of moon over my head...
What if some good brave soul do a libc for windows? 
Better yet, a msvcrt.dll for linux so that we could run/develop for windows from
Man, that would be just great.

PS: HOw do u interleave > and | in your mail reply?
Someone should make this a standard. :)

> -- 
> "Don't use C;  In my opinion,  C is a library programming language
>  not an app programming language."  - Owen Taylor (GTK+ developer)
Totally agree.

I SeE NeRD pEoPle.
.:: MarcoLinux ::.