[Tutor] Why NOT to Use Python? [A Perl apologist]
Danny Yoo
Sat, 1 Jun 2002 18:07:29 -0700 (PDT)
> I learned perl first, and switched to python because I wanted a language
> with better object oriented support. I also wanted to parse xml data,
> and I was told python was much better for this task than perl.
I may need to get myself in a mean frame of mind before I defend Perl.
Cheekiness aside, I think Perl does have excellent XML support; Michel
Rodriguez's XML::Twig module is very nice:
and I think it would be great if there were a Python equivalent to
XML::Twig, but perhaps I haven't looked hard enough yet.
> So far, I think python is *much* better than perl. In fact, I would tell
> anybody learning perl this: "Don't bother. Python can do everything perl
> can, but the code is much more readable and easier to maintain.
At the same time, it's still a good thing to peek at the other side of the
fence every now and then, just to see what's out there. There is
something... seductive about tricky programming. I can understand how
Perl can appeal to certain minds.
I guess I'm trying to say that it might be counterproductive to discourage
people from looking at the other languages. I feel that most people are
intelligent enough to look at the choices out there, weigh the pros and
cons, and decide for themselves that Python is a superb language. *grin*
Hope this helps!