[Tutor] Re: FTP Question

Sheila King sheila@thinkspot.net
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 19:17:22 -0700

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 20:57:47 -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> | Since you did not assign any "identifier" or variable name to 
> | reference the object, it will close as soon as you are done 
> | working with it.
> This assumes that no dangling references exist.  It also assumes
> there are no bugs in the interpreter that could crash it before
> that happens.  I think it is better practice to assign it to a
> handle and explicitly close() it when you are done.

Personally, this is how I usually handle my file routines as well. 
However, I was recently had someone review code I'd written, where I 
did as you suggest (created a reference to the file, and then 
specifically closed it), and when this much more experienced and 
knowledgeable person reviewed my code, he wrote:

The following code:
        f = open(HTML_template_file, 'r')
        HTML_data = f.read()
 could just as easily be replace with:
         f = open(HTML_template_file[, 'r']).read()
 Matter of personal preference, I guess.

These comments were written by the author of the following software:

Now, your statements make good sense to me. <shrug>

Sheila King