[Tutor] Runtime Errors
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:36:57 -0500
Thanks for the response. Sorry to just be replying. Been out of email
range for the weekend. Anyway, I took your advice and eliminated the
try-except pairs, using the traceback function, instead. I still get
the error, but here's the full error output:
File "C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\Desktop\VTrans\AudioTranscriber2.py", line 239,
in ?
File "C:\Python22\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 929, in mainloop
File "C:\PYTHON22\Pmw\Pmw_0_8_5\lib\PmwBase.py", line 1694, in
_reporterror(self.func, args)
File "C:\PYTHON22\Pmw\Pmw_0_8_5\lib\PmwBase.py", line 1741, in
for tr in traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback):
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
---------Included Message----------
>Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 23:53:18 -0700 (PDT)
>From: "Danny Yoo" <dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu>
>To: <shendric@ARCHES.UGA.EDU>
>Cc: "Python Tutor" <tutor@python.org>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Runtime Errors
>On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 shendric@arches.uga.edu wrote:
>> I've got a script I'm working on that is a kind of spreadsheet.
>> are a fixed number of 4 cells in each row, but the idea would be to
>> as many rows as one wishes. The algorithm for the spreadsheet works
>> fine, but I get a RuntimeError when I try to load a tab-delimited
>> file into the cells.
>> The loading algorithm is this:
>> 1. Open a text file
>> 2. Read the lines of the text file into a list (readlines())
>> 3. Take each line and do the following:
>> a. create an instance of the TranscriptionCell class, which is a
>> class that includes four Tkinter Pmw.ScrolledText widgets
>> b. append that instance to a list
>> c. put the contents of the first part of the line into the first
>> text widget, then the second into the second, etc.
>> 4. close the file
>Sounds reasonable enough. Yes, this should work.
>> I get the following error:
>> RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
>Hmmm... does the error message also give a clue in which function, and
>around which line it goes bonkers?
>> Now, I've gotten it to go just fine with only a few rows, but not if
>> there are a lot of them.
>We'll have to look through the code to see where the recursion's
>from. Reading... hmmm... It might not be such a good idea to wrap
>statement with exception handling like:
> try:
> self.rowlist[ind].TTime.settext(rowcontents[0])
> except:
> pass
> try:
> self.rowlist[ind].TSpeak.settext(rowcontents[1])
> except:
> pass
>Doing just a 'pass' when an exception occurs is like an ostrich that
>its head in the sand: We're ignoring any potentially bad problems!
>the first row setting fails, it's probable that the whole rowcontents
>has some weirdness that should be reported to the user.
>To make this function easier to debug, we can strip out some of the
>exception handling code, and put a traceback.print_exc() call in the
>def openTrans(self, event=None):
> file = askopenfile(title="Open Transcript File",
> filetypes=(("text files", "*.txt"),
> ("All files", "*")))
> filetoread = open(file.name, 'r')
> filecontents = filetoread.readlines()
> filetoread.close()
> ind = 0
> self.rowlist=[]
> for x in filecontents:
> rowcontents = x.split("\t")
> self.rowlist.append(TranscriptionCell(self.inner,
> row=self.row))
> try:
> self.rowlist[ind].TTime.settext(rowcontents[0])
> self.rowlist[ind].TSpeak.settext(rowcontents[1])
> self.rowlist[ind].TTrans.textBox.settext(rowcontents[2])
> self.rowlist[ind].Comments.settext(rowcontents[3])
> except:
> traceback.print_exc()
> self.row = self.row + 1
> ind = ind + 1
>The traceback.print_exc() should tell us if there's something else
>going weird. Hmmm.... but I don't see any obvious recursion here.
>you show the last few previous lines of the error message as well?
>help us to find where exactly the recursion is occuring.
>Sounds like a tricky bug, but don't worry, we're bound to squish it.
>*grin* Talk to you later!
>Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org
---------End of Included Message----------