[Tutor] Excel

Terje Johan Abrahamsen terjeja@hotmail.com
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 16:32:49 +0000

I am trying to change the numberformat on a collumn in Excel.

>>>xl = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Sheets(1)

So when I type

So far so good.

Then I type:
>>>ffac.xl.Columns(5).Style.NumberFormat = "##.##"

So, I assume that the value in the cells should have changed to number, but 
it hasn't. They are still formated as "general" if I check in Excel. If I 
write ffac.xl.Range("E5").Value I get up the correct value, so I must be 
working with the correct sheet.

How can I change the format of the cells?

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