[Tutor] Speaking of Books..

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:37:30 -0000

> Lutz's 'Programming Python- second edition'. I have read a bunch of
> negatives about that book (I think the first edition), but then I have
> been turning up some positive things about it.

I thought it was a great book even in its first edition 
- but when I started on Python it was one of only two 
available and the best of those... I still turn to it 
when the online help fails to clarify things for me.

A lot of the criticism was that it wasn't as good as the 
Perl equivalent - this is true, but its not that bad. 
Now that there are lots of beginners books out the 2nd 
edition has a much more focussed approach and altho' still 
not a reference book it is pretty comprehensive in its 
coverage of more advanced topics.

Alan g