[Tutor] dictionary swittching

dman dman@dman.ddts.net
Tue, 14 May 2002 07:20:07 -0500

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On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 01:47:00PM +0200, Sharriff Aina wrote:
| ..Thanks Raymond! that did the trick,

Yeah, if you say "else" it means "else".  In more detail :

if <cond1> :
elif <cond2> :
    <branch2> :
else :

This is the complete structure of an "if" statement.  The elif and
else sections are optional, the elif section can be repeated as
desired.  "elif" is short for "else-if".  Here's how it evaluates :

1) is <cond1> true?
    if yes then goto 2
    if no  then goto 3

2)  execute code in <branch1>
    goto 6

3) is <cond2> true (AND <cond1> is false)?
    if yes then goto 4
    if no  then goto 5

4) execute code in <branch2>
   goto 6

5) (<cond1> and <cond2> were false)
    execute <branch3>

6) done (don't do anything more)

This is basically how non-structured code is written (BASIC, M68K
assembly).  I'm sure you appreciate structure after trying to follow
it :-).

Hmm, maybe the on-line doc will do a better job of explaining the
specific semantics of an "if" statement and the meaning of 'elif' and

| would it be advisable to upgrade to python 2.2?

Yes.  That has nothing to do with the problem you had, though.



Better a little with righteousness
than much gain with injustice.
        Proverbs 16:8
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