[Tutor] Python does .NET?

Pijus Virketis virketis@fas.harvard.edu
Tue, 21 May 2002 00:57:05 -0400

<BASEFONT FACE=3D"Arial" SIZE=3D"2" COLOR=3D"#000000">
<div>Hi all, </div>
<div>I have been musing about this a while, but Rob Andrew's=
 intro to Jython (good job!) prompted me to put it forth in this=
 forum. .NET, as far as I understand it, is all about having a=
 common runtime, which all the different languages can use. But=
 Python seems to interact with its &quot;colleagues&quot;=
 already: you can write C/C++ extensions, pretty much co-opt=
 Java, interact with VB through COM objects, and now there is=
 even work to turn Parrot from one of the best April 1st jokes=
 ever into a real tool. (<a=
) Clearly, Python is a glue language par excellence. But perhaps=
 there something more here: perhaps the boundaries between all=
 the languages will be melting away? How does this compare with=
 the .NET project? Maybe Python is dissolving in a soup of other=
 languages? ;)</div>
<div>Cheers and thanks for your opinions, </div>
<div>Pijus </div>
<div>-- </div>
<div>&quot;Those who can make you believe absurdities</div>
<div>can make you commit atrocities&quot; - Voltaire</div>