FW: Re: [Tutor] Dynamic creation of class instances...

dman dman@dman.ddts.net
Fri, 24 May 2002 16:47:27 -0500

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This was sent off-list, but looks like it should be on-list :-).

----- Forwarded message from Bryce Embry <bryce@bembry.org> -----

| From: Bryce Embry <bryce@bembry.org>
| To: dman <dman@dman.ddts.net>
| Subject: Re: [Tutor] Dynamic creation of class instances...
| Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 14:39:37 -0500
| Howdy,
| I'm one of the folks who asked a question along the lines of dynamic clas=
| creation.  Coming from a very limited programming background I don't have=
| strong grasp of OOP, and I haven't had to do any work in a language where=
| all variables must be declared before use (ala C++).  I asked the questio=
| largely because of my understanding (or misunderstanding) of classes and=
| OOP.
| I think this misconception comes from the examples of classes given in a=
| lot of texts.  The examples given in most of the introductory texts are=
| fairly shallow and leave the impression to newbies like me that a class i=
| something you define generically so that you can create specific instance=
| of it at runtime.   So, I define a generic "snake" class, and then the us=
| can specify more details about his snake named "Slytherin" and we'll save=
| that as a new instance of the class at runtime. Or I define a generic ban=
| account class, and each user will create his own instance of the bank=20
| account at runtime.  This was my concept for a while, and I'm only now=20
| starting to move beyond it. Newbie programmers have heard a lot about OOP=
| and are anxious to be "in the know" and use it.  Introductory texts cover=
| classes, but their examples are necessarily short, often very artificial,=
| and thereby give a wrong impression.
| As I learn more about classes it seems that the programs / scripts that I=
| have been writing are just too simplistic to really use classes.  I can s=
| that they would be very useful in a larger project, but for my dinky=20
| 100-line codes, it just seems that classes are not quite as practical.  I=
| realize there may be some dinky codes that could benefit from OOP and=20
| classes, but I guess I just haven't gotten there quite yet.
| I think OOP was one of my first hang-ups with a lot of the Tkinter=20
| tutorials, too.  Most of the tutorials made their GUI programs using=20
| classes, but only had one instance of the class.  I don't understand how=
| that's an improvement.  I understand how a Label() is a subclass of a=20
| Widget(), but I don't understand why I have to create a class just to mak=
| a GUI.  I guess that's why I wrote my own tutorial without using classes=
| for Tkinter.
| I guess my suggestion, then, is to work on the introductions to OOP and=
| classes.  I read quite a few of them when I was trying to figure out=20
| classes (Alan Gauld's, Lutz and Ascher's, Deitel's, DevShed's, and a few=
| others) and I still didn't quite get it.  I really wanted to get it,=20
| though, so I could be a cool programmer and use OOP.  I've started workin=
| through some of the recommended reading posted a couple months ago, thoug=
| and I realize that I can be a cool programmer even if I just use function=
| programming most of the time.  I like that.  I grok functional programmin=
| Also, contrary to what a number of folks have suggested, I was not led to=
| the dark side via the exec() function.  This function is not really cover=
| in beginning tutorials and I had not heard about it until folks on this=
| list mentioned it. I doubt that it is the primary culprit leading folks=
| down the slippery slope of dynamic class creation.   I would tend to blam=
| the examples of OOP in texts.
| Well, those are my thoughts. Hopefully they're worth the paper their=20
| printed on.
| Bryce Embry
| "Lord, you establish peace for us.
| All that we have accomplished
| you have done for us" -- Isaiah 26:12

----- End forwarded message -----


Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
        Proverbs 16:24
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