[Tutor] Structure Theorem and OOProgramming

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 27 May 2002 15:55:37 +0100

> I've read a bit about the Structured Programming Language 
> Paradigm/ Structure Theorem (Any computer program can be 
> built up by combing three fundamental constructs 
> [Sequence/Selection/Repetition] in various ways).  

Thats the basis of my web tutor(and especially the book). 
It looks at each of the three constructs (plus a 
fourth: modularization)

> My question is, does this Paradigm/Theorem only map well 
> to "procedural" languages, or will it work well with an 
> OO approach as well?  

The methods within an object are still just procedures so 
it applies at that level. The OO bits are just another form 
of module so provided tyou include modularization as a 
fourth construct it works fine.

Alan g.
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site