[Tutor] hi

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 28 May 2002 17:22:21 +0100

> All im basically asking is if someone could explain to me how 
> to use def and when to use it. also how to use modules and 
> when to use them. 

Hi again, I sent you a direct email this morning hopefully you've 
now received it and it makes sense. Tutor is a good place to ask 
for alternative (maybe clearer!) answers than I can give, but 
you do need to be a bit more specific. 

What exactly don't you understand about def? Is it the syntax 
or the purpose? Is it the concept of functions/modules?

The more specific the question the better chance of getting 
the right answer.

OTOH, If you are completely puzzled then maybe a general 
answer will lead to more specific issues later. I won't 
repeat my earlier mail here (it was long) but if you still 
have questions please come back to us.

Alan g.
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site