[Tutor] A very simple question

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Thu, 30 May 2002 08:55:45 -0400

On Thursday 30 May 2002 10:51 am, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> def checkIfOnlyLower(list):
>      for item in list:
>           if not item[0].islower():
>             return 0
>     return 1
> Raymond Hettinger

Good answer, except avoid using 'list', a builtin type name, as the=20
name of a variable.  Likewise don't use int, float, str or dict as=20
variable names (I realize Raymond is following the original=20
example closely to show the similarities, as well as differences).

A more complicated example would be:

 def checklower(thelist):
=09from operator import add
=09return len(thelist)=3D=3Dreduce(add,[i[0].islower() for i in thelist])

=2E..but Raymond's is better, for one because it stops when the first
non-lower is encountered.
