[Tutor] A very simple question
Gregor Lingl
Thu, 30 May 2002 21:28:46 +0200
Normally i check replies already posted, but for
some (not well understood) reason this time I give
an immediate reply. So expect some (if not only)
# only lower strings (to Nicole Seitz)
# if we put all the ugly things we have to check
# into a special separate function:
def good(strg):
return type(strg)==type("") and strg!="" and strg[0].islower()
# the classical solution to your problem might look somewhat
# like this:
def checkIfOnlyLower1(lst):
ok = 1
for item in lst:
ok = ok and good(item)
return ok
# if you like to use the function map, whick outputs
# a list of results when applying some given function
# (in our case: map) to all the elements of a given
# list, you may arrive at:
def checkIfOnlyLower2(lst):
return 0 not in map(good, lst)
# if, moreover you like to use reduce and 'operators as
# functions' this is an alternative:
def checkIfOnlyLower3(lst):
from operator import and_
return reduce(and_, map(good, lst))
# -- if you are sure, that ther are only nonempty strings in
# -- your list and you moreover like lambda instead of extra
# -- functions. you could do it with this single function:
def checkIfOnlyLower4(lst):
from operator import and_
return reduce(and_, map(lambda x: x.islower(), lst))
# ----------------------------------------------------------
So there you have some starting point for the study of
functional programming (if you like)
Best wishes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicole Seitz" <Nicole.Seitz@urz.uni-hd.de>
To: <tutor@python.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 6:34 PM
Subject: [Tutor] A very simple question
Hi there!
I'd like to write a function that gets a list , checks if there are only
strings in the list starting with a lowercase letter and then returns 1 if
only lowercase, 0 if not.
How can I do that?
example list:
myList = [ "abc", "def", "Cde"]
If I write:
def checkIfOnlyLower(list):
for item in list:
if item[0].islower():
return 1
return 0
the function will return 1 as soon as it comes to the first string starting
with a lowercase letter.But that's not what I want.
Hope you can help me.
Thanks in advance.
Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org