[Tutor] for loop problems
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Mon Nov 4 12:06:01 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Davidson" <cxd401@psu.edu>
Just three comments about the code:
> Hello tutor mailing list,
> I am trying to loop through an output of os.listdir() and when i go
> through and remove elements from the list that have a leading '.' it
> deletes it if i print each element, but when I try to return the list
> after the work to the calling function it seems like it was never
> deleted. I have the variable listDirectory, which is being returned,
> declared outside the loop. Here is the piece of code in question:
> directory = "/home/chris"
> def checkDirectories():
> listDirectory = os.listdir(directory)
> listDirectory = listDirectory[:]
> endingMark = '/'
> for element in listDirectory:
for-looping a list and at the same time altering it's structure (in your
case, removing elements) is *not* a good idea. Really not.
> pathname = '%s/%s' % (directory, element)
Use os.path.join - don't reinvent the wheel!
> mode = os.stat(pathname)[ST_MODE]
> if element.startswith('.'):
> listDirectory.remove(element)
> continue
> if S_ISDIR(mode):
> endingMark.join(element)
The join method of strings (usually) takes a list as argument. I may be
mistaken, but it seems to me that element is a string. So, while this code
works (because a string is iterable and join works with any iterable) it
might not do what you want...
> print element
> elif S_ISREG(mode):
> print "File: %s" % element
> return listDirectory
> Thank you in advance for any help,
> Chris
Although not replying directly to your question hope it helps some, with my
best regards,
G. Rodrigues