[Tutor] for loop problems

Chris Davidson cxd401@psu.edu
Mon Nov 4 14:21:00 2002

Hey everyone,

        I took everyone's though into consideration and I have come up
with all
the changes, but now when i run the script I get very wierd output which
I do not understand.
        This function is going to be used in a script that will get
listing and format a webpage with the results for a real cheap web
browser interface to a filesystem. The reason for wanting '/' at the end
is for the end user to tell the difference easily between a directory
and a file.

If i input                      my ouput is:

Directories:                    Directories:
Documents                       D/o/c/u/m/e/n/t/s
LimeWire                        L/i/m/e/W/i/r/e
gaim                            g/a/i/m

Files that are passed through have no problem and detect them properly.

Here is the new function

def checkDirectories(directory):
    endingMark = '/'
    newList = []
    for element in os.listdir(directory):
        pathname = os.path.join(directory, element) 
        mode = os.stat(pathname)[ST_MODE]
        if element.startswith('.'):
        if S_ISDIR(mode):
            s = endingMark.join(element)            
            print s
        elif S_ISREG(mode):
            print "File: %s" % element
    return newList 

Thank you everyone for your help, this is a very resourceful mailing
list and I hope in the near future I will be able to payback for the
help you have given me. 
