[Tutor] new menu
Kirk Bailey
Sat Nov 9 00:16:48 2002
ok, will create a link. The address will be:
Give it until sunrise saterday before trying it, I write this BEFORE
implementing it and it is 12:13am EST already!
Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Kirk Bailey wrote:
> > I created an intelligent mastermenu for Tinylist, giving links to major
> > feature groups which are installed. If the feature is not present, it is
> > not offered on themenu, no hacking of the thing is needed- it installs
> > the domain name for you, to make it easy to use. This will be new to
> > TL1.6.0. here is a link to the new script.
> >
> > http://www.tinylist.org/cgi-bin/TLmastermenu.py
> Hi Kirk,
> Hey, it looks nice! Is there a link to source code too? At the moment,
> since the script is in cgi-bin/, we're unable to look at the source code.
> Best of wishes!
Kirk D Bailey
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