[Tutor] Whats wrong with this code..??
Magnus Lycka
Fri Nov 15 12:10:02 2002
At 20:01 2002-11-15 +0530, shobhan wrote:
>dbapi = __import__('cx_Oracle')
Huh? Why not
import cx_Oracle as dbapi?
BTW, you can import several modules on the same row by
separating them with comma. (I prefer compact programs.)
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/sourceforge/sfee/www/search/cc_scm_content.py", line 15, in ?
> dbh = dbapi.connect(logger_conf.db_dsn)
>cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: Error while trying to retrieve text for error
for and explanation on the original error. Then you could
obviously not get the error messages. I don't remember what
used to cause this. I haven't worked with Oracle since the
spring of 1998. A missing path? Some environment variable?
Does it show error messages from the Oracle tools such as
Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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