[Tutor] Percent done bar
Thomi Richards
Mon Nov 18 20:59:01 2002
> I think a neater effect for a percent bar is obtained by using a line
> object on a small canvas, as in the following:
> (Alan: you'll notice that the code for the app, GUI, etc, is lifted
> directly from your tutorial)
ahaaa!! that much better! I couldn't figure out that text scroll bar
(surely that's meant to be for scrolling text??).. Hope you don't mind
if i use this :-)
> from Tkinter import *
> class ClearApp:
> def __init__(self, parent=0):
> self.mainWindow = Frame(parent)
> self.percentbar = Canvas(self.mainWindow)
> self.percentbar.config(height=10, width=100, bg='black')
> self.percentbar.create_line(0, 6, 0, 6, fill='red', width = 3,
> tag='bar')
> self.percentbar.pack()
> fOuter = Frame(self.mainWindow, border=1, relief="sunken")
> fButtons = Frame(fOuter, border=1, relief="raised")
> bDraw = Button(fButtons, text="Draw Bar",
> width=8, height=1, command=self.drawBar)
> bQuit = Button(fButtons, text="Quit",
> width=8, height=1,
> command=self.mainWindow.quit)
> bDraw.pack(side="left", padx=15, pady=1)
> bQuit.pack(side="right", padx=15, pady=1)
> fButtons.pack(fill=X)
> fOuter.pack(fill=X)
> self.mainWindow.pack()
> self.mainWindow.master.title("Percent bar")
> def drawBar(self):
> global x
> if x < 100 : x = x+10
> app.percentbar.coords('bar', 0, 6, x, 6)
> app = ClearApp()
> x = 0
> app.mainWindow.mainloop()
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Thomi Richards,