[Tutor] Dictionary
Magnus Lycka
Sat Nov 23 12:49:01 2002
At 17:00 2002-11-23 +0100, lumbricus@gmx.net wrote:
> >>> [ d[key] for key in d.keys() ]
>[2, 4, 6]
Long form on "d.values()"?
> >>> # It's sorted :-o
> >>> [ (key, d[key]) for key in d.keys() ]
>[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
Long form of "d.items()"?
But see below:
>>> {1:1, 22:2, 333:3, 4444:4, 55555:5}.keys()
[1, 55555, 4444, 333, 22]
>Is it incident or a feature? Can we rely on that
As seen above, you can't rely on that. See library reference
2.2.7, note (3). "Keys and values are listed in random order."
I think it should really say "arbitrary" order or something
like that, but the intention with that text must be to warn
you from expecting to get a sorted list, even if that is what
you get now for SOME key values. Think about how hashing
algorithms work, and I think it will be clear. (I just realized
that hashing algorithms might not be obvious to all list
members, but my wife is calling. Got to eat... Use google. :)
The only thing you can count on is that if you don't
change your dict, the order in .keys(), .values() and
.items() will be coordinated and repetetive.
Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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