[Tutor] my newbie program

david din22@cox.net
Tue Nov 26 23:37:01 2002

thanks for looking at my program. i will take
your advice to heart. 

> >class Actor:
> >     def __init__(self):
> >         self.location=startroom
> Pass start room in as a parameter instead of using a global.

not sure what you mean here though.
> >     def act(self):
> >
> >         cmd = raw_input('>')
> >         if len(string.split(cmd)) > 2:
> >             print "too many words"
>  >>> me.act()
>  >dfg dfg dfg
> too many words
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>    File "adventure.py", line 40, in act
>      if verb == 'dig':
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'verb' referenced before assignment

i saw this error and i don't know how to fix it. putting a break after the
print didnt work. i don't understand what a return statement would do.

> When you run into errors like this, a print isn't enough. You have
> to prevent further execution. I suggest that you put a return statement
> after the print. (Not only here I think.)

> Actor? Hm... Have you perchance been misled by the dark Sith
> Jacobson? He preaches that you should take the easy path and
> divide your classes into entities that contain data and controls
> (often actors) that do the work. Don't follow this path. It's
> the dark side of the force. (Sorry, I saw Star Wars II on video
> yesterday.) I'm still right though! ;) There might be a few cases
> where it's useful to have classes more specialized to handle data
> OR action, but in general it's something to avoid, and particularly
> for a beginner in object-oriented programming, it's important to
> try to get balanced classes. Seeing classes as either holders of
> data or holder of logic as above, will degenerate the code to bad,
> old structured code, and the benefits of OO is lost.

i see what you mean obiwan but i have never heard of jacobson.
i looked at some text adventure code that used actor and i just
borrowed the name.

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