[Tutor] Re: Python in education

Andres Rosado arosado@softhome.net
Thu Nov 28 18:44:01 2002

On 10:18 AM 11/20/2002 -0500, the keyboard of Magnus Lycka emitted:
>We obviously have some students in the mailing list.
>(Come on now, don't be shy.)
>I'm curious. How much is Python used in education?

I do. I'm in 5th year computer and electrical engineering.

>Did you have to use python or could you use a language
>of your choice?

Depends on the course and professor. In the university I'm studying, our 
first language is C, followed by C++. On a latter course, depending on the 
professor, we have a homework on CGI. We get to use any language we want, 
so I selected Python just out of curiosity.

>At what level is python used in education,

In mine, as a hobby. Most of the coding this semester for courses have 
being in C/assembly (being working with embedded systems).

>how central is it to the education,

More for independent study and hobby than anything else. But it has helped 
me in more ways than I though. (See below).

>what kind of courses
>is it used in?

_Computer languages_ (for CGI Scripting) and _Microprocessor 
Inteconnections_ (Micro2 for short, for Simulations). Although in Micro2 we 
code in C/assembly language, it helped me simulate a complex system that 
would otherwise needed to burn the EEPROM of the card.

>What books do you use?

Currently, just the documentation. But I'm planning on buying the 
Python/Win32 book.

>How do you like it?

Very much. Much better than C/C++ to develop fast, easier to grasp than 
Perl/PHP. Very happy so far. :)


Andres Rosado
Email: andresr@despammed.com
ICQ: 66750646
Homepage: http://andres980.tripod.com/

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
         -- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"