[Tutor] py2exe

Thomi Richards thomi@thomi.imail.net.nz
Sat Nov 30 03:30:02 2002

are you using a dos prompt box?? you have to do something like:

c:\python22\python.exe setup.py py2exe 

this will build teh default package thing, but you may want to do:

c:\python22\python.exe setup.py py2exe --help

for more options


On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 01:34:22 +0100 Thus said "Andrea Valle"

> Dear pythoners,
> I was trying to use py2exe.
> I'm actually able to obtain nothing.
> Can anyone please be so kind to tell me in few steps how to have it to
> work if I'm using IDLE?
> Thanks for your kindness and sorry for the stupid question!
> -a-
> Andrea Valle
> via Lanzo 108
> 10073 - Cirič (TO)
> 011/921 45 84 - 349/55 47 343
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Thomi Richards,