[Tutor] cannot save changes to dictionary in a shelve file

David Lawrence David Lawrence" <dlphone@bellsouth.net
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 16:43:12 -0400

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Please help - if you'd like to skip my long intro, see my IDLE session =
capture at the end of this message. At the end of the session, you can =
see that although I added '4:"proj004"' to the end of the dictionary, =
the dictionary doesn't contain that pair after I close & open the shelve =
file. Why?

I am learning Python pretty much as my first programming language. I'm a =
working technical writer who is seeking to expand my abilities. Years =
ago I attempted to learn C++ on my own using "Teach Yourself ..." books, =
but I became a bit overwhelmed when it came to pointers (probably should =
have sought out a programmer for some help!!) and stopped.=20

I am very pleased with Python so far ... the syntax is concise, the =
documentation is plentiful and thorough, and it's Open Source. But, I'm =
having a problem with the "shelve" module. As a learning project I am =
attempting to put together a simple one-user database of projects in =
Python code. I'd like to make it object-oriented - I've written some =
code w/a "Project" class (not included) to create project objects with - =
but I'd settle for a simple searchable collection of dictionaries & =
lists if I could just figure out the persistence thing.=20

Excuse the long code example. Oviously, I created a shelve database =
file, and created a new dictionary assigned to the "projects" key. But I =
can't update the dictionary and make the shelve file retain it! At the =
end of the example, I added the key:value pair '4:"proj004" to the end =
of the dictionary, but the dictionary doesn't contain that pair after I =
close & open the shelve file.

What am I doing wrong?=20

I've also tried this with a simple list of integers instead of a =
dictionary, and it does the same thing.

Thanks for your help,


-------------------------session snapshot =

Python 2.2.1 (#34, Apr 9 2002, 19:34:33) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IDLE 0.8 -- press F1 for help

>>> import shelve

>>> db =3D shelve.open("projectsdb","c")

>>> db.keys()


>>> db["projects"] =3D {1:"proj001",2:"proj002",3:"proj003"}

>>> db["otherlist"] =3D (5,7,9,10)

>>> db.close()

>>> db.keys()

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in ?


File "C:\Program Files\Python22\lib\shelve.py", line 56, in keys

return self.dict.keys()

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'keys'

>>> db =3D shelve.open("projectsdb","c")

>>> db.keys()

['projects', 'otherlist']

>>> projects =3D db["projects"]

>>> projects

{1: 'proj001', 2: 'proj002', 3: 'proj003'}

>>> projects[4] =3D "proj004"

>>> projects

{1: 'proj001', 2: 'proj002', 3: 'proj003', 4: 'proj004'}

>>> db.close()

>>> db =3D shelve.open("projectsdb","c")

>>> db.keys()

['projects', 'otherlist']

>>> projects =3D db["projects"]

>>> projects

{1: 'proj001', 2: 'proj002', 3: 'proj003'}


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<P>Please help -&nbsp;if you'd like to skip my long intro,&nbsp;see my =
session capture&nbsp;at the end of this message. At the end of the =
session, you=20
can see that although I added '4:"proj004"' to the end of the =
dictionary, the=20
dictionary doesn't contain that pair after I close &amp; open the shelve =
<P>I am learning Python pretty much as my first programming language. =
I'm a=20
working technical writer who is seeking to expand my abilities. Years =
ago I=20
attempted to learn C++ on my own using "Teach Yourself ..." books, but I =
a bit overwhelmed when it came to pointers (probably should have sought =
out a=20
programmer for some help!!) and stopped. </P>
<P>I am very pleased with Python so far ... the syntax is concise, the=20
documentation is plentiful and thorough, and it's Open Source. But, I'm =
having a=20
problem with the "shelve" module. As a learning project I am attempting =
to put=20
together a simple one-user database of projects in Python code. I'd like =
to make=20
it object-oriented - I've written some code w/a "Project" class (not =
to create project objects with - but I'd settle for a simple searchable=20
collection of dictionaries &amp; lists if I could just figure out the=20
persistence thing. </P>
<P>Excuse the long code example. Oviously, I created a shelve database =
file, and=20
created a new dictionary assigned to the "projects" key. But I can't =
update the=20
dictionary and make the shelve file retain it! At the end of the =
example, I=20
added the key:value pair '4:"proj004" to the end of the dictionary, but =
dictionary doesn't contain that pair after I close &amp; open the shelve =

<P>What am I doing wrong? </P>
<P>I've also tried this with a simple list of integers instead of a =
and it does the same thing.</P>
<P>Thanks for your help,</P>
<P>-------------------------session snapshot=20
<P>Python 2.2.1 (#34, Apr 9 2002, 19:34:33) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on =
<P>Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.</P>
<P>IDLE 0.8 -- press F1 for help</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; import shelve</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db =3D shelve.open("projectsdb","c")</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db.keys()</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db["projects"] =3D =
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db["otherlist"] =3D (5,7,9,10)</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db.close()</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db.keys()</P>
<P>Traceback (most recent call last):</P>
<P>File "&lt;pyshell#6&gt;", line 1, in ?</P>
<P>File "C:\Program Files\Python22\lib\shelve.py", line 56, in keys</P>
<P>return self.dict.keys()</P>
<P>AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'keys'</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db =3D shelve.open("projectsdb","c")</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db.keys()</P>
<P>['projects', 'otherlist']</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; projects =3D db["projects"]</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; projects</P>
<P>{1: 'proj001', 2: 'proj002', 3: 'proj003'}</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; projects[4] =3D "proj004"</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; projects</P>
<P>{1: 'proj001', 2: 'proj002', 3: 'proj003', 4: 'proj004'}</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db.close()</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db =3D shelve.open("projectsdb","c")</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; db.keys()</P>
<P>['projects', 'otherlist']</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; projects =3D db["projects"]</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; projects</P>
<P>{1: 'proj001', 2: 'proj002', 3: 'proj003'}</P>
<P>&gt;&gt;&gt; </P></FONT></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
