[Tutor] Advanced programmes using Python?

Alex Gillis Gillisai@btinternet.com
Wed Oct 23 19:23:02 2002

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I'm very new to all this and I'm told that you can create any programme =
from just a few basic commands.  I can't quite see it though.  Can you =
convinvce me?  I'm also interested in some sort of animation as output =
eg. a planet orbiting the sun.  How would I go about this, is there a =
special output for this that I don't know?

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I'm very new to all this and I'm told =
that you can=20
create any programme from just a few basic commands.&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't =
see it though.&nbsp; Can you convinvce me?&nbsp; I'm also interested in =
sort of animation as output eg.&nbsp;a planet orbiting the sun.&nbsp; =
would&nbsp;I go about this, is there a special output for this that I =
